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Patreon is a crowdsourcing platform that allows you to make an ongoing donation. You can pledge as little as a dollar a month, and you can opt out at any time. Higher tiers of donation come with rewards, like access to our outlines, recording bloopers, and other fun things.  Check out our Patreon here:

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Your support helps us cover our hosting costs, maintain our equipment and convince our parents that our degrees weren't a total waste. 



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If you want to help The Hindsight but don't want to or can't commit to an ongoing donation, you can make a one time donation via paypal. All amounts are greatly appreciated. Click on the button below. 

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Word of mouth is everything in podcasting. If you like the podcast, please give us a mention. Tell your coworkers what you listened to on your way into work, mention us on your social media, retweet us. All of those things will help us keep making this podcast. 

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